219|TABLEAU – Addy Sales Visualization

BYU Student Author: @Carter_Lee
Reviewers: @Jacob_Dutton @Benjamin_Lau
Estimated Time to Solve: 30 Minutes

We provide the solution to this challenge using:

  • Tableau

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Welcome aboard to the Addy Sales team! We’re embarking on a journey to delve into the intricacies of our sales data over the past year within the United States market. As Addy, an esteemed American-based clothing brand, continues its trajectory of expansion, we recognize the paramount importance of understanding our sales landscape to inform strategic decisions.

In this endeavor, our primary objective is to discern the geographical hotspots where our sales flourish, identify the products that resonate most profoundly with our customer base, and recognize the retail entities that drive significant purchasing volume. Through rigorous analysis and insightful interpretation of our sales data, we aim to unveil patterns, trends, and opportunities that will bolster Addy’s market positioning and propel us towards sustained growth and success.


  • In Tableau, open a new workbook using the Addy sales dataset
  • Create a map of the US where the locations with highest sales are differentiated by color and show the retailer with the highest sale in each state and their sale method in the state
  • Create a new packed bubble chart and find the most popular of Addy products which the retailers sell
  • Create a new sheet and find the products with the greatest operating profit

Data Files


Suggestions and Hints

Heat maps are created with different colors according to the sum of total sales


Time to complete: 15 min
Rating: Beginner
This was a fun challenge! I feel like it is great for learning Tableau basics.
Here is my Tableau public link with my solution: https://public.tableau.com/views/techhubsolution/Sheet1?:language=en-US&publish=yes&:sid=&:redirect=auth&:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_link