20|POWERBI – Forbes Billionaires

BYU Student Author: @IWillyerd
Reviewers: @Jonathan_Weston, @Jae
Estimated Time to Solve: 15 Minutes

We provide the solution to this challenge using:

  • Power BI

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You’re the personal assistant to a wise and powerful financial analyst. She wants to figure out the “code” to becoming a billionaire, but she’s worried the cards are stacked against her. So, your task is to make some PowerBI visualizations to help your financial analyst boss feel better about her chances.


  1. Open PowerBI Desktop or PowerBI Online and create a new report.
  2. Create the following visualizations with the data provided:
    • Clustered column chart that displays each billionaire’s net worth on the y-axis and their name on the x-axis.
    • A basic card that shows the average net worth of the billionaires.
    • A basic card visualization to display the average age of the billionaires.
    • A tree map visualization that shows the number of billionaires in each industry.
  3. Organize the visualizations in a visually cohesive manner. Edit the titles of the visualizations as needed.
  4. Format the visualizations to make them visually distinct:
    • Add data labels to the clustered column chart.
    • Add a visual border to each visualization.
    • Add a grey background to the age card.
  5. Answer the following questions using the report to see how the data relates:
    • What is the average net worth of billionaires in the technology industry?
    • What is Christy Walton’s net worth and age?
    • How many billionaires made their money in the service industry?
    • Which industry has produced the most billionaires?

Data Files

Suggestions and Hints

Hover over the following buttons to see the visualization type names (Card, Stacked Bar Chart, etc.)


Solutions to the Questions

  1. What is the average net worth of billionaires in the technology industry?
    – 6.59
  2. What is Christy Walton’s net worth and age?
    – 7.90 Billion and 73 years old
  3. How many billionaires made their money in the service industry?
    – 51
  4. Which industry has produced the most billionaires?
    – Finance & Investments
Solution Image

Solution Video: Challenge 20|POWERBI – Forbes Billionaires

I like your visualization layout! Here is my solution:

  1. What is the average age of billionaires in the technology industry?
    – 56 years old
  2. What is Christy Walton’s net worth and age?
    – 7.90 Billion, 73 years old
  3. How many billionaires made their money in the service industry?
    – 51
  4. Which industry has produced the most billionaires?
    – Finance & Investments

    Billionaires_Solution.pbix (114.3 KB)
1 Like

Love the challenge and your viz!

Love the usage of Power BI, here’s mine:

  1. What is the average net worth of billionaires in the technology industry?
    • 6.59 Billion
  2. What is Christy Walton’s net worth and age?
    • 7.9 Billion and 73 years old
  3. How many billionaires made their money in the service industry?
    • 51
  4. Which industry has produced the most billionaires?

Cool challenge! I had the filter tab closed (rookie mistake) but found another way to filter the data on the Visualizations tab. I’d recommend using the filter tab, but this seemed to work too. Here is an image:

Drop Name data in the “Add drill-through fields here”

I’d love to hear insights as to if/how this is different! It doesn’t seem to affect the Filters tab.

Loved this challenge! It was a great refresher on the capabilities of Power BI. I am always amazed at how the visualizations are dynamic when clicking from graph to graph. I was able to answer the questions and looks like my visualization matches yours nicely. I added a gradient on my clustered column chart too. Here’s my solution:

Awesome challenge!


  1. 6.59
  2. Christy Walton- Net worth: 7.9 Age: 73
  3. 51
  4. Finance and Investments
  • What is the average net worth of billionaires in the technology industry? 6.59
  • What is Christy Walton’s net worth and age? Net Worth: 4.86 Age: 64
  • How many billionaires made their money in the service industry? 51
  • Which industry has produced the most billionaires? Finance and Investments

Very fun project. I have just recently started learning how to use Power BI, and this gave me a chance to get comfortable with creating reports and reflect on all that I have learned so far.

Time to Complete: 20
Difficulty: Beginner

  • What is the average net worth of billionaires in the technology industry?
  • What is Christy Walton’s net worth and age?
    7.9 net worth at age 73
  • How many billionaires made their money in the service industry?
  • Which industry has produced the most billionaires?
    Finance and Investments

Time to complete: 30 Minutes
Rating: Intermediate
This is a great assignment because while it seems simple, it showcases the beauty in visualizing data. While many folks would utilize a few cells on a spreadsheet to retrieve this data, Power BI allows you to conceptualize it better. While the map was not required, I was interested to see how it fit with the data. Depending on the computer used, it may lag; however, it further enhances the visualization.

  • What is the average net worth of billionaires in the technology industry?
    $6.59 billion
    What is Christy Walton’s net worth and age?
    $7.9 Billion and 73 years old
  • How many billionaires made their money in the service industry?
  • Which industry has produced the most billionaires?
    Finance and Investments

  1. What is the average net worth of billionaires in the technology industry?
  2. What is Christy Walton’s net worth and age?
    7.90 Billion and 73 years old
  3. How many billionaires made their money in the service industry?
  4. Which industry has produced the most billionaires?
    Finance & Investments
  1. What is the average net worth of billionaires in the technology industry?
    – 6.59
  2. What is Christy Walton’s net worth and age?
    – 7.90 Billion and 73 years old
  3. How many billionaires made their money in the service industry?
    – 51
  4. Which industry has produced the most billionaires?
    – Finance & Investments

POWER BI.pbix (109.7 KB)

  1. What is the average net worth of billionaires in the technology industry?
    – 6.59
  2. What is Christy Walton’s net worth and age?
    – 7.90 Billion and 73 years old
  3. How many billionaires made their money in the service industry?
    – 51
  4. Which industry has produced the most billionaires?
    – Finance & Investments
  1. What is the average net worth of billionaires in the technology industry?
  2. What is Christy Walton’s net worth and age?
    -7.9 New worth and age 73
  3. How many billionaires made their money in the service industry?
    -51 Billionaires
  4. Which industry has produced the most billionaires?
    -Finance & Investments
  1. 6.59
  2. 7.9 billion; 73 years old
  3. 51
  4. Finance and investments

  1. What is the average net worth of billionaires in the technology industry?
  2. What is Christy Walton’s net worth and age?
    7.90 Billion and 73 years old
  3. How many billionaires made their money in the service industry?
  4. Which industry has produced the most billionaires?
    Finance & Investments

  1. 6.59
  2. 7.90 billion / 73 years old
  3. 51
  4. Finance & Investments

Time to complete: 20 min, Difficulty: Easy to Medium
Here are my solutions:
Power BI Challenge.pbix (111.6 KB)

Awesome challenge!


  1. What is the average age of billionaires in the technology industry?
  • 56
  1. What is Christy Walton’s net worth and age?
  • $7.90b and 73
  1. How many billionaires made their money in the service industry?
  • 51
  1. Which industry has produced the most billionaires?
  • Finance & Investments

TechHub Challenge - Michael Barrett.pbix (110.0 KB)

Time to Complete: 10 Minutes

Enjoyed working on this one, it was a nice warm up!