126|POWERBI – Visualizing Volume

BYU Student Author: @Donovon, @Jimmy_Han
Reviewers: @MitchFrei, @Brett_Lowe, @Alex_Garrett, @Dallin_Gardner
Estimated Time to Solve: 15 Minutes

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You have just started an internship as a stockbroker at your dream company. The pressure is on to learn quickly and provide value so you can secure a full-time offer at the end of the summer. You’ve just finished orientation and your new manager has asked you to spend the rest of the day getting familiar with some of the tools you’ll be using over the next couple of months. She told you that she’d be impressed if you could create a chart in PowerBI showing the companies with the highest 25 total trading volume in 2016. She says you can format this chart however you’d like as long as it’s easy to understand.

Make sure you take time to understand the format of the data before you attempt to create the chart. Read the instructions carefully and you’ll be sure to make an impression!


  1. Download the data and load it into PowerBI.
  2. Use “Treemap” for the visualization. Start by inserting the name and volume measures into the chart.
  3. Add the date measure to the filter and make sure that only the year 2016 is selected.
  4. Filter by the stocks with the highest 25 trading volumes.
  5. Don’t forget to name your sheet!

Data Files


Time to Complete:20 minutes
I enjoyed the simplistic nature of this challenge, providing a relatively easy way to learn the PowerBI system!

Time to Complete: 20 minutes
Rating: 9/10
Pretty simple and easy, used a chart I hadn’t used before!

Time to Complete: 15 minutes
Rating: 10/10

Loved the use of new tools that I would’ve never known existed. Thank you!

Time to complete: 20 Minutes
Rating 9/10
I enjoyed using PowerBi as it is a powerful tool to use when showing visuals. It can be used very effectively to organize data and show it in a cleaner more effective way.

Time to complete: 15 minutes
Rating: 9/10
I thought this was a good introduction to using PowerBI. The task was a great example of utilizing PowerBI to get the exact answer you need in a timely manner.

Time to complete: ~20 minutes
Rating: 10/10
Simple but a good way to practice using PowerBI!

Time to Complete: 15 minutes
Rating: 10/10

I enjoyed the opportunity to use PowerBI in a data set that I was unfamiliar with. I liked the challenge!

Time to complete: 25 minutes
Rating: 8/10
Simple but effective.

Time to complete: 20 minutes
Rating: 10/10
It was very useful in learning how to select specific data and set multiple filters on one set of data.

Time to Complete: 10 min

This simple chart is a great way to visualize data!

Time: 15mins
Difficulty: Low
Comments: It was a great introduction to get used to new tools and ways of filtering your data in the visualizations

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Completed Time: 10 minutes

Time to complete: 10 mins
Very interesting

Time to complete: 10 Minutes
Rating: 10/10
Nice easy way to get started in PowerBI

Time to Complete: 20 minutes
Rating: 10/10
Fresh of orientation, I enjoyed this simple challenge to refresh my memory on the workings of PowerBI!

Time to Complete: 20 minutes
Rating: 10/10
I really enjoyed this challenge; I think it did a great job at introducing some PowerBI features.