163|POWERBI – Peaks Cycles, Relationships and Paths

BYU Student Author: @Jacob_Dutton
Reviewers: @Jimmy_Han, @James_Gerstner
Estimated Time to Solve: 10 Minutes

This is an intro challenge that is part of the PowerBI Learning Path.

We provide the solution to this challenge using:

  • Power BI

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You’ve just landed the role of Financial Analyst at Peak Cycles, a bustling bike shop known for its quality and variety. Your first task is a vital one: Fix the data connections and relationships between tables in your company’s Power BI file.

Your Tasks:
Download: Download the Power BI template and data files.
Fix Paths: Change the paths to the data file in Power Query to wherever you stored your data file.
Fix Relationships: Create relationships between the different tables from the dataset. Relationships help to connect different tables together using matching columns called “keys.

Download Files and Fix Paths

  1. Download Files: Download the data file and Power BI template.
  2. Open Power Query: Click on the “Transform Data” button to open Power Query.
  3. Fix paths: On the left side of Power Query you will see each query. On the right side you will see each step of the query. Navigate to the first step in each query, and replace the broken path with the path of the data file you downloaded.
  4. Close and Load: Click the “Home” tab and “Close and Load.

Fix Relationships

  1. Open Model View: Select Model view from the left pane.
  2. Manage Relationships: Select Manage Relationships from the top pane.
  3. Create Relationships:
    • Select the New.
    • Select Bike_Export as your top table, and Invoice_Export as your bottom table.
    • Select BikeID in both tables.
    • Choose One to many for your cardinality and leave all other settings in their defaults.
    • Select "Ok”
    • Repeat for Customer_Info and Invoice_Export, selecting the CustomerID columns instead.

Final Steps
Now that your paths and relationships are fixed, you are ready to select the refresh button in the header!

Data Files

Suggestions and Hints

Make sure to select close and apply after doing your data cleaning in Power Query.


Challenge163_Template solution.pbix (101.1 KB)

Time to Complete: 25mins
Rating: Beginner
I enjoyed this challenge, it was a good introduction to building relationships in PowerBI
Challenge163 PowerBI.pbix (86.8 KB)

Kevin Erickson
Rating: Beginner
Time to Complete: 30 minutes
This was a fun challenge that helped me build my relationship skills in PowerBI. I look forward to completing more challenges!
Challenge163. Completed.pbix (104.5 KB)

Time to Complete: 15 minutes
Rating: Beginner
I enjoyed being able to see the basics of PowerBI and play around with it once I made the relationships!
Challenge163_Template.pbix (103.0 KB)

Time to complete: 20 minutes
Rating: Beginner
This was a great challenge that helped me improve on building relationships in PowerBI.
Challenge163_TemplateCompleted.pbix (104.2 KB)

Time to complete: 15 minutes
Rating: Beginner
I liked the challenge a lot it helped me understand how to create relationships in PowerBI

Time to Complete: 7 minutes
Rating: Beginner
This was a good challenge to remind me as to how to find the correct path of the data and allow me to touch up on my skills in creating relationships.
Challenge163_Complete.pbix (97.4 KB)

Time to Complete: 25 minutes
Rating: Beginner
As a new PowerBI user, this challenge was great in helping me understand how to create and manage relationships with the data in PowerBI!
Challenge163_Completed.pbix (104.4 KB)

Time to complete: 10 minutes
Rating: Beginner

This challenge was the perfect way to introduce a beginner to PowerBI. I enjoyed creating the relationships.

Challenge Complete TechHub.pbix (87.0 KB)

Time to complete: 15 mins
Rating: Beginner
I enjoyed this challenge because it gave me a better understanding of relationships and how to create them!

Challenge163_Template (1).pbix (98.4 KB)

Time to complete: About 30 min.
Had an issue with copying the data path within the first step but after that it was smooth.
Rating: beginner
I enjoyed manipulating the data and learning the steps to do so.
Challenge163_Template solution.pbix

Time to complete: 25 minutes
Level: Beginner
Fun challenge, helped me get better at Power BI.
Challenge163_Griffin_Roscich.pbix (103.6 KB)

Time to complete - 15 minutes

Challenge163_Template.pbix (102.4 KB)

Time to Complete: 10 Mins
Rating: Beginner
I thought this was a great introduction to PowerBI!

FinalChallenge163_Template.pbix (99.5 KB)

This was a fun challenge! I enjoyed learning how to fix relationships, paths, and how to make basic data visualizations on PowerBI!.
Time to Complete: 10 minutes
Difficulty level: beginner
Challenge163_Template.pbix (118.3 KB)

Time to complete: 15 minutes
Rating: Beginner
This challenge was great for new users to PowerBI!
Challenge163_Template.pbix (102.3 KB)

Time to complete: 20 min
Level: Beginner

Great practice!
Challenge 145.pbix (91.7 KB)

Challenge163_Template.pbix (102.3 KB)
Rating: Beginner
Time to Complete: 15 minutes
I figured out how to fix broken paths, which was great in navigating file pathways.

Challenge163_Template.pbix (88.0 KB)