157|POWERBI – Peaks Cycles, Measures

BYU Student Author: @Jimmy_Han
Reviewers: @Jacob_Dutton, @James_Gerstner
Estimated Time to Solve: 20 Minutes

This is an intro challenge that is part of the Power BI Learning Path.

We provide the solution to this challenge using:

  • Power BI

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You’ve just landed the role of Financial Analyst at Peak Cycles, a bustling bike shop known for its quality and variety. Your manager is interested in assessing the business performance, and to facilitate this, she requires information on the total gross margin for each bike, and the number of purchases by each customer. Eager to make a positive impression as a new hire, you aim to fulfill her request using Power BI. Not having acquired the skills for elaborate visualizations yet, you plan to present your findings in a table.


  1. Start by opening Power BI and bringing in all three tables from the ChallengeX_Peaks_Cycles.xlsx file. The system should automatically establish the necessary relationships between the tables as you import them.
  2. Next, generate measures to get a) total gross margin by each bike, b) the count of purchases by each customer.
  3. Add 2 tables to the canvas in Power BI to show the measures that you created in the previous step.
  4. Save your Power BI file as pbix.

Data Files

Suggestions and Hints
  • When creating the measure to count the number of customers, use Customer ID instead of customer name to avoid using duplicates. Customer ID should be adopted from Invoice_Export table since we are counting customers who made purchases.
  • Total Gross Margin = Total Sales Value – Total Cost of Goods Sold(COGS per item * Quantity Sold)
  • Is the total of a column not accurate? Consider using “SumX” function instead of “Sum” function. In short, SumX is a function in Power BI used to iterate over a table, apply an expression for each row, and then sum up the results. It is important for performing row-wise calculations and aggregations, enabling more complex and flexible calculations in Power BI measures and calculated columns.


Solution_JamesGerstner.pbix (93.1 KB)

Another great challenge on the Power BI Learning Path! It was awesome learning how to create these measures, and definitely will be a valuable skill in future Power BI forays.

This was a great challenge to refresh me on PowerBI measures, especially in showing PowerBI’s data manipulation capabilities which are just as powerful as its visualization capabilities! The Sumx function was also a new one for me and helped a ton in the first table for getting the total right.


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This is my solution!

This is my Solution!
Bike Tech Hub Challenge.pbix (89.9 KB)

Here’s what I got!


This is my solution.
TechChallenge.pbix (92.8 KB)

Time to complete: 20 minutes
Difficulty Rating: 4/10
I thought this challenge did a good job of utilizing measure tools that I had never encountered. It had to make me know how to use SumX and other tools that I don’t have to use as often in PowerBI.
TechHubChallengeEY.pbix (91.6 KB)

Challenge157_Solution.pbix (93.2 KB)

Time to Complete: 15 minutes
Difficulty: Easy