80|PYTHON – Financial Formatting

BYU Student Author: @Hyrum
Reviewers: @Mike_Paulsin, @Jonathan_Weston, @Jae
Estimated Time to Solve: 60 Minutes

We provide the solution to this challenge using:

  • Python

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You have just landed a job at a prestigious accounting firm, known for their expertise in providing financial services to high-profile clients. Your first day on the job is met with excitement and anticipation as you eagerly wait to meet your manager and learn more about the work you will be doing.

As you settle into your new role, your manager approaches you and shares with you a challenge she has been facing. She explains that creating balance sheets for clients is a time-consuming and tedious process, especially when working with a large amount of financial data. Your manager has heard about your exceptional accounting skills and proficiency in Python and believes you can help solve this problem.

She has provided you with the basic financial information for this year’s balance sheet and has asked you to create a program that will generate a balance sheet in Microsoft Word. However, she has also emphasized the need for the program to be flexible, as clients may add new assets, liabilities, or equity to the system at any time. Your manager is counting on you to use your expertise to create a solution that is both efficient and professional.

With your extensive knowledge in accounting and Python programming, you are excited to take on this challenge and deliver a high-quality product that meets your manager’s needs. You roll up your sleeves and get to work, determined to make a positive impact in your new role.

You will need to install docx for this code. The way to do that is by running this code through your python tool:

pip install python-docx 

Go ahead and copy and paste the financial data into whatever python tool you have. Here is the financial data for this year and last year:

Financial Data
#accounts and balances for this year 
assets = {'Cash': 1000, 
          'Accounts Receivable': 5000, 
          'Inventory': 2500, 
          'Equipment': 10000} 

liabilities = {'Accounts Payable': 2000, 
               'Notes Payable': 5000} 

equity = {'Retained Earnings': 6500, 
          'Common Stock': 5000} 

#accounts and balances for last year 
assets_last_year = {'Cash': 1000, 
                    'Accounts Receivable': 3500, 
                    'Inventory': 1500, 
                    'Equipment': 8000} 

liabilities_last_year = {'Accounts Payable': 1500, 
                         'Notes Payable': 2000} 

equity_last_year = {'Retained Earnings': 5500, 
                    'Common Stock': 5000} 

Copy and paste the above code into a code of whatever python tool you use. You can assume that the system you would use your python code with would automatically supply dictionaries like the one above.

Write a python Script that does the following:

  • Calculates total assets and total Liabilities & Equity. Calculate for both this year and last year
  • Format the code onto a word document
  • Make the code flexible enough so that if more assets, liabilities, or equity are added to the associated dictionaries, then your code will still work.
Suggestions and Hints

Here is a resource to use if you are not familiar with docx:
Create Table in Word DOCX in Python | Create Nested Tables in Python

  • To start, make a document using the following code:
    doc = doc.add_table(rows=#of rows wanted, cols=#of columns wanted) 
  • To add a table:
    doc.add_table(rows, columns)  
  • To add a new row:
  • Use “.2f” to format into currency
  • Use a for loop through the dictionaries and stay adaptable

This is what the final table should look like:

Balance sheet



Solution Code
import docx 

# Step 1: Define the accounts and balances for this year 
assets = {'Cash': 1000, 
          'Accounts Receivable': 5000, 
          'Inventory': 2500, 
          'Equipment': 10000} 

liabilities = {'Accounts Payable': 2000, 
               'Notes Payable': 5000} 

equity = {'Retained Earnings': 6500, 
          'Common Stock': 5000} 

# Step 2: Calculate the total assets for this year 
total_assets = sum(assets.values()) 

# Step 3: Calculate the total liabilities for this year 
total_liabilities = sum(liabilities.values()) 

# Step 4: Calculate the total equity for this year 
total_equity = sum(equity.values()) 

# Step 5: Calculate the total liabilities and equity for this year 
total_liabilities_equity = total_liabilities + total_equity 

# Step 6: Define the accounts and balances for last year 
assets_last_year = {'Cash': 1000, 
                    'Accounts Receivable': 3500, 
                    'Inventory': 1500, 
                    'Equipment': 8000} 

liabilities_last_year = {'Accounts Payable': 1500, 
                         'Notes Payable': 2000} 

equity_last_year = {'Retained Earnings': 5500, 
                    'Common Stock': 5000} 

# Step 7: Calculate the total assets for last year 
total_assets_last_year = sum(assets_last_year.values()) 

# Step 8: Calculate the total liabilities for last year 
total_liabilities_last_year = sum(liabilities_last_year.values()) 

# Step 9: Calculate the total equity for last year 
total_equity_last_year = sum(equity_last_year.values()) 

# Step 10: Calculate the total liabilities and equity for last year 
total_liabilities_equity_last_year = total_liabilities_last_year + total_equity_last_year 

# Step 11: Create a new Word document 
doc = docx.Document() 

# Step 12: Add the Balance Sheet table to the document 
table = doc.add_table(rows=1, cols=3) 
table.style = 'Table Grid' 

table.cell(0, 0).text = 'Balance Sheet' 
table.cell(0, 1).text = '12/31/20X2' 
table.cell(0, 2).text = '12/31/20X1' 

row_cells = table.add_row().cells 
row_cells[0].text = '' 
row_cells[1].text = '' 
row_cells[2].text = '' 

row_cells = table.add_row().cells 
row_cells[0].text = 'Assets:' 
row_cells[1].text = '' 
row_cells[2].text = '' 

# Iterate through the assets and add balances for each asset listed 
for account, balance in assets.items(): 
    row_cells = table.add_row().cells 
    row_cells[0].text = account 
    row_cells[1].text = f'${format(balance, ",.2f")}' 
    row_cells[2].text = f'${format(assets_last_year[account], ",.2f")}' if account in assets_last_year else '-' 

# Add Total Assets 
row_cells = table.add_row().cells 
row_cells[0].text = account = 'Total Assets' 
row_cells[1].text = f'${format(total_assets, ",.2f")}' 
row_cells[2].text = f'${format(total_assets_last_year, ",.2f")}' 

row_cells = table.add_row().cells 
row_cells[0].text = '' 
row_cells[1].text = '' 
row_cells[2].text = '' 

# Caption total Liabilities and Equity 
row_cells = table.add_row().cells 
row_cells[0].text = 'Liabilities and Equity:' 
row_cells[1].text = '' 
row_cells[2].text = '' 

# Iterate through each of the liabilities and add balances for each one 
for account, balance in liabilities.items(): 
     row_cells = table.add_row().cells 
     row_cells[0].text = account 
     row_cells[1].text = f'${format(balance, ",.2f")}' 
     row_cells[2].text = f'${format(liabilities_last_year[account], ",.2f")}' if account in liabilities_last_year else '-' 

# Iterate through each of the equity accounts and add balances for each one 
for account, balance in equity.items(): 
     row_cells = table.add_row().cells 
     row_cells[0].text = account 
     row_cells[1].text = f'${format(balance, ",.2f")}' 
     row_cells[2].text = f'${format(equity_last_year[account], ",.2f")}' if account in equity_last_year else '-' 

# Add total Liabilities and Equity 
row_cells = table.add_row().cells 
row_cells[0].text = 'Total Liabilities and Equity' 
row_cells[1].text = f'${format(total_liabilities_equity, ",.2f")}' 
row_cells[2].text = f'${format(total_liabilities_equity_last_year, ",.2f")}' 

# Step 8: Save the Word document 

Solution Video: Challenge 80|PYTHON – Financial Formatting

I formatted mine a little differently (plus Word didn’t show the gridlines in my table…), but here’s my balance sheet and code!

from docx import Document
from docx.shared import Pt

#accounts and balances for this year 
assets = {'Cash': 1000, 
          'Accounts Receivable': 5000, 
          'Inventory': 2500, 
          'Equipment': 10000} 

liabilities = {'Accounts Payable': 2000, 
               'Notes Payable': 5000} 

equity = {'Retained Earnings': 6500, 
          'Common Stock': 5000} 

#accounts and balances for last year 
assets_last_year = {'Cash': 1000, 
                    'Accounts Receivable': 3500, 
                    'Inventory': 1500, 
                    'Equipment': 8000} 

liabilities_last_year = {'Accounts Payable': 1500, 
                         'Notes Payable': 2000} 

equity_last_year = {'Retained Earnings': 5500, 
                    'Common Stock': 5000}

#Create Word Doc

#Add title
p1 = doc.add_paragraph()
p1.alignment = 1
p1.add_run('Company Balance Sheet\n\n').bold = True
p1.runs[0].font.size = Pt(18)

#Add table
tbl = doc.add_table(rows=2, cols=3)

#Enter column titles
tbl.cell(0,0).text = 'Account'
tbl.cell(0,1).text = 'This Year'
tbl.cell(0,2).text = 'Last Year'

#Format column titles
tbl.cell(0,0).paragraphs[0].runs[0].bold = True
tbl.cell(0,1).paragraphs[0].runs[0].bold = True
tbl.cell(0,2).paragraphs[0].runs[0].bold = True

#Initialize variables
row = 1
asset_total = 0
liab_total = 0
equity_total = 0
asset_ly_total = 0
liab_ly_total = 0
equity_ly_total = 0

#Enter asset values
for (key, value), (key_ly, value_ly) in zip(assets.items(), assets_last_year.items()):
    #Calculate running totals
    asset_total = asset_total + value
    asset_ly_total = asset_ly_total + value_ly

    #Format numbers
    value = "{:,}".format(value)
    value_ly = "{:,}".format(value_ly)

    #Enter values
    tbl.cell(row, 0).text = key
    tbl.cell(row, 1).text = value
    tbl.cell(row, 2).text = value_ly

    #Add row and increment loop variable
    row = row + 1

#Format and enter asset totals
asset_total_str = "{:,}".format(asset_total)
asset_ly_total_str = "{:,}".format(asset_ly_total)

tbl.cell(row, 0).text = 'Total Assets'
tbl.cell(row, 1).text = asset_total_str
tbl.cell(row, 2).text = asset_ly_total_str

tbl.cell(row,0).paragraphs[0].runs[0].bold = True
tbl.cell(row, 1).paragraphs[0].runs[0].bold = True
tbl.cell(row, 2).paragraphs[0].runs[0].bold = True

#Add spacer row
row = row + 2

#Enter liabilities
for (key, value), (key_ly, value_ly) in zip(liabilities.items(), liabilities_last_year.items()):
    #Calculate running totals
    liab_total = liab_total + value
    liab_ly_total = liab_ly_total + value_ly

    #Format numbers
    value = "{:,}".format(value)
    value_ly = "{:,}".format(value_ly)

    #Enter values
    tbl.cell(row, 0).text = key
    tbl.cell(row, 1).text = value
    tbl.cell(row, 2).text = value_ly

    #Add row and increment loop variable
    row = row + 1

#Format and enter liabilities totals
liab_total_str = "{:,}".format(liab_total)
liab_ly_total_str = "{:,}".format(liab_ly_total)

tbl.cell(row, 0).text = 'Total Liabilities'
tbl.cell(row, 1).text = liab_total_str
tbl.cell(row, 2).text = liab_ly_total_str

tbl.cell(row,0).paragraphs[0].runs[0].bold = True
tbl.cell(row, 1).paragraphs[0].runs[0].bold = True
tbl.cell(row, 2).paragraphs[0].runs[0].bold = True

#Add spacer row
row = row + 2

#Enter equity
for (key, value), (key_ly, value_ly) in zip(equity.items(), equity_last_year.items()):
    #Calculate running totals
    equity_total = equity_total + value
    equity_ly_total = equity_ly_total + value_ly

    #Format numbers
    value = "{:,}".format(value)
    value_ly = "{:,}".format(value_ly)

    #Enter values
    tbl.cell(row, 0).text = key
    tbl.cell(row, 1).text = value
    tbl.cell(row, 2).text = value_ly

    #Add row and increment loop variable
    row = row + 1

#Format and enter equity totals
equity_total_str = "{:,}".format(equity_total)
equity_ly_total_str = "{:,}".format(equity_ly_total)

tbl.cell(row, 0).text = "Total Owner's Equity"
tbl.cell(row, 1).text = equity_total_str
tbl.cell(row, 2).text = equity_ly_total_str

tbl.cell(row,0).paragraphs[0].runs[0].bold = True
tbl.cell(row, 1).paragraphs[0].runs[0].bold = True
tbl.cell(row, 2).paragraphs[0].runs[0].bold = True

#Add spacer row
row = row + 2

#Enter liabilities plus equity totals
liab_plus_equity = liab_total + equity_total
liab_plus_equity_ly = liab_ly_total + equity_ly_total

liab_plus_equity_str = "{:,}".format(liab_plus_equity)
liab_plus_equity_ly_str = "{:,}".format(liab_plus_equity_ly)

tbl.cell(row, 0).text = "Total Liabilities and Owner's Equity"
tbl.cell(row, 1).text = liab_plus_equity_str
tbl.cell(row, 2).text = liab_plus_equity_ly_str

tbl.cell(row,0).paragraphs[0].runs[0].bold = True
tbl.cell(row,1).paragraphs[0].runs[0].bold = True
tbl.cell(row,2).paragraphs[0].runs[0].bold = True

#Save document

1 Like

from docx import Document
from docx.shared import Pt

#accounts and balances for this year
assets = {‘Cash’: 1000,
‘Accounts Receivable’: 5000,
‘Inventory’: 2500,
‘Equipment’: 10000}

liabilities = {‘Accounts Payable’: 2000,
‘Notes Payable’: 5000}

equity = {‘Retained Earnings’: 6500,
‘Common Stock’: 5000}

#accounts and balances for last year
assets_last_year = {‘Cash’: 1000,
‘Accounts Receivable’: 3500,
‘Inventory’: 1500,
‘Equipment’: 8000}

liabilities_last_year = {‘Accounts Payable’: 1500,
‘Notes Payable’: 2000}

equity_last_year = {‘Retained Earnings’: 5500,
‘Common Stock’: 5000}

sum values of assets, liabilities, and equity for this year

assets_sum = sum(assets.values())
liabilities_sum = sum(liabilities.values())
equity_sum = sum(equity.values())

sum values of assets, liabilities, and equity for last year

assets_sum_last_year = sum(assets_last_year.values())
liabilities_sum_last_year = sum(liabilities_last_year.values())
equity_sum_last_year = sum(equity_last_year.values())

doc = Document()

doc.add_heading(‘Balance Sheet’, 0)

Current Year Section

doc.add_heading(‘Current Year’, level=1)

def add_financial_table(doc, title, financial_data):
doc.add_heading(title, level=2)
table = doc.add_table(rows=1, cols=2)
hdr_cells = table.rows[0].cells
hdr_cells[0].text = ‘Account’
hdr_cells[1].text = ‘Amount’
total = 0

for account, amount in financial_data.items():
    row_cells = table.add_row().cells
    row_cells[0].text = account
    row_cells[1].text = f"${amount:,}"
    total += amount

# Add total row
total_row = table.add_row().cells
total_row[0].text = 'Total'
total_row[1].text = f"${total:,}"

Add tables for current year

add_financial_table(doc, ‘Assets’, assets)
add_financial_table(doc, ‘Liabilities’, liabilities)
add_financial_table(doc, ‘Equity’, equity)


Previous Year Section

doc.add_heading(‘Previous Year’, level=1)

Add tables for last year

add_financial_table(doc, ‘Assets’, assets_last_year)
add_financial_table(doc, ‘Liabilities’, liabilities_last_year)
add_financial_table(doc, ‘Equity’, equity_last_year)

balance_sheet.docx (36.2 KB)

Here’s my solution!

Function to calculate total of a financial dictionary

def calculate_total(financial_dict):
return sum(financial_dict.values())

Accounts and balances for this year

assets = {‘Cash’: 1000, ‘Accounts Receivable’: 5000, ‘Inventory’: 2500, ‘Equipment’: 10000}
liabilities = {‘Accounts Payable’: 2000, ‘Notes Payable’: 5000}
equity = {‘Retained Earnings’: 6500, ‘Common Stock’: 5000}

Accounts and balances for last year

assets_last_year = {‘Cash’: 1000, ‘Accounts Receivable’: 3500, ‘Inventory’: 1500, ‘Equipment’: 8000}
liabilities_last_year = {‘Accounts Payable’: 1500, ‘Notes Payable’: 2000}
equity_last_year = {‘Retained Earnings’: 5500, ‘Common Stock’: 5000}

Calculating totals for this year

total_assets = calculate_total(assets)
total_liabilities_equity = calculate_total(liabilities) + calculate_total(equity)

Calculating totals for last year

total_assets_last_year = calculate_total(assets_last_year)
total_liabilities_equity_last_year = calculate_total(liabilities_last_year) + calculate_total(equity_last_year)

Printing results

print(“This Year:”)
print("Total Assets: ", total_assets)
print("Total Liabilities & Equity: ", total_liabilities_equity)

print(“\nLast Year:”)
print("Total Assets: ", total_assets_last_year)
print("Total Liabilities & Equity: ", total_liabilities_equity_last_year)

Great challenge!! I have never imported python to a document, so this was really interesting for me. Here is my solution:

from docx import Document
from docx.shared import Pt
from docx.enum.text import WD_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT

def generate_balance_sheet(assets, liabilities, equity, output_file):
doc = Document()

title = doc.add_heading(level=1)
title_run = title.add_run('Balance Sheet')
title_run.bold = True
title_run.font.size = Pt(18)

doc.add_heading('Current Year', level=2)

add_table(doc, 'Assets', assets)

add_table(doc, 'Liabilities', liabilities)

add_table(doc, 'Equity', equity)

print(f"Balance sheet saved as '{output_file}'")

def add_table(doc, title, data_dict):
doc.add_heading(title, level=3)
table = doc.add_table(rows=1, cols=2)
table.style = ‘Table Grid’

hdr_cells = table.rows[0].cells
hdr_cells[0].text = 'Account'
hdr_cells[1].text = 'Amount'

for account, amount in data_dict.items():
    row_cells = table.add_row().cells
    row_cells[0].text = account
    row_cells[1].text = f"${amount:,.2f}"

    for paragraph in row_cells[1].paragraphs:
        paragraph.alignment = WD_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT.RIGHT

assets = {‘Cash’: 1000, ‘Accounts Receivable’: 5000, ‘Inventory’: 2500, ‘Equipment’: 10000}
liabilities = {‘Accounts Payable’: 2000, ‘Notes Payable’: 5000}
equity = {‘Retained Earnings’: 6500, ‘Common Stock’: 5000}
output_file = ‘balance_sheet.docx’

generate_balance_sheet(assets, liabilities, equity, output_file)