220|ALTERYX – Workplace Wellness Wave

BYU Student Author: @Andrew_Wilson
Reviewers: @Sterling_Lane, @username_of_reviewer.
Estimated Time to Solve: 20 Minutes

We provide the solution to this challenge using:

  • Alteryx

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As we roll into spring, you’ve been assigned to prepare and plan the office wellness activities for the summer. Each person in the office has their own idea of what fun wellness activities look like, so it is your job to decide which 5 activities would be best received by your coworkers. Luckily, every year the company sends out a survey asking employees which activities they enjoy and keeps an Excel file of the responses. Each of the employees is allowed to answer “Y” or “N” to indicate if they would like to participate in the activity or not.

Your job is to use this year’s (2024) survey data to determine which activities should be planned.


  1. Import the data into Alteryx
  2. Use the Alteryx transform tools to make activity preferences easily countable
  3. Count how many employees would participate in each activity
  4. We know that often times employees say they will participate, but never end up participating. From the past year’s experiences, we know that 85% of employees who say they will participate actually do. To get an accurate count for this year, calculate 85% of the employees who said they will participate. (Make sure we are counting whole people only, so round up or use integers!)
  5. Determine the top 5 activities employees most want to participate in and the number of employees who would participate
  6. Determine the top 5 activities that are least well received so we know which activities to avoid

Data Files

Suggestions and Hints
  • Use the “Transpose” tool to make the data easily countable
  • We do not need to multiply the least liked activities by 85%
