113|EXCEL&VBA – The Data Dentist

BYU Student Author: @Nate
Reviewers: @Erick_Sizilio
Estimated Time to Solve: 70 Minutes

We provide the solution to this challenge using:

  • Excel
  • VBA

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You just started a job as the financial manager for Wasatch Dental, a growing dental practice based in Salt Lake City. Your boss, Dr. Hansen, is a great dentist—but not a great accountant. Since he started his practice in 1998, he has poured over paper bank statements and used rough estimates to gauge the practice’s profitability. In the past 2 years, he has constructed 3 additional offices in Denver, Seattle, and San Francisco.

With the new offices now up and running, Dr. Hansen has hired you to evaluate the profitability of each, starting with the first quarter of 2022. He downloaded statements from the company bank account and each of the office credit cards for you to use. Unfortunately, the data need to be cleaned up and classified first.


The Excel file Dr. Hansen gave you has the following sheets:

  • Bank Statement
    • Bank deposits from 1/1/22 to 3/31/22
    • All offices use one common account with Chase Bank to make deposits. Each transaction has an 8-digit office ID included in its line-detail (see the table for “Other Key Data” in the data dictionary below), and the only transactions in the Q1 2022 statement are deposits.
  • Card 2251, Card 6738, Card 0956, & Card 5480
    • Credit card statements from 1/1/22 to 3/31/22
    • Each office has a single credit card used to make all purchases for that office (see the table for “Other Key Data” in the data dictionary below). Since Wasatch Dental uses cash accounting, you can assume that supplies and dental equipment are expensed when purchased.
  • Approved Vendors
    • This sheet contains the list of all approved vendors for each office. It also lists which account purchases from that vendor should be put in.
  • Transaction Report
    • Dr. Hansen wants your final report to be in a specific format, as shown in this sheet (see the data dictionary below for further detail).

Your job is to use any combination of VBA scripts and Excel formulas to get Wasatch Dental’s data into a uniform format that includes each transaction’s date, amount, vendor, associated account, and office (as shown in the “Transaction Report” sheet).

Suggestions and Hints
  • Each vendor’s name should be found in the line description for each transaction. You’ll need to extract each name from any dates, transaction IDs, or other descriptors included in the line description.
  • Each type of statement has different spacing between columns and rows. Not all follow a uniform format, so be sure to understand each type of statement before writing any code to extract data.
  • Keep in mind that sometimes an Excel formula works quicker and more efficiently than VBA code.

Data Files


Solution Code
    Sub clean() 

        'Declare variables 
        Dim fecha As String 
        Dim amount As Currency 
        Dim vendor As String 
        Dim office As String 
        Dim sheet_count As Byte 
        Dim row As Integer 
        Dim trans As Integer 
        Dim last_row As Integer  

        'Save offices into array 
        Dim offices() As Variant: offices = Array("SLC", "DEN", "SFO", "SEA") 

        'Save the columns and row offsets of date, vendor, and amount for each statement 
        Dim bank_statement(2, 1) As Integer 
        bank_statement(0, 0) = 2: bank_statement(0, 1) = 0 'DATE 
        bank_statement(1, 0) = 3: bank_statement(1, 1) = 2 'VENDOR 
        bank_statement(2, 0) = 4: bank_statement(2, 1) = 0 'AMOUNT 
        Dim amex_card(2, 1) As Integer 
        amex_card(0, 0) = 8: amex_card(0, 1) = 1 'DATE 
        amex_card(1, 0) = 5: amex_card(1, 1) = 0 'VENDOR 
        amex_card(2, 0) = 3: amex_card(2, 1) = 0 'AMOUNT 
        Dim visa_card(2, 1) As Integer 
        visa_card(0, 0) = 4: visa_card(0, 1) = 0 'DATE 
        visa_card(1, 0) = 10: visa_card(1, 1) = 0 'VENDOR 
        visa_card(2, 0) = 13: visa_card(2, 1) = 0 'AMOUNT  

        'Create array of sheet names and statement type 
        Dim statements(4, 1) As Variant 
        statements(0, 0) = "Bank Statement" 
        statements(0, 1) = bank_statement 
        statements(1, 0) = "Card 2251" 
        statements(1, 1) = amex_card 
        statements(2, 0) = "Card 6738" 
        statements(2, 1) = visa_card 
        statements(3, 0) = "Card 0956" 
        statements(3, 1) = amex_card 
        statements(4, 0) = "Card 5480" 
        statements(4, 1) = visa_card 
        'initialize transactions 
        trans = 2 

        'loop through sheets in 'statements' array 
        For sheet_count = 0 To 4 
            'find last row with data in sheet 
            last_row = Sheets(statements(sheet_count, 0)).Cells.Find(What:="*", _ 
                        After:=Range("A1"), _ 
                        LookAt:=xlPart, _ 
                        LookIn:=xlFormulas, _ 
                        SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _ 
                        SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, _ 
            'extract data from statement and add to 'Transaction Report' 
            For row = 6 To last_row 
                'checks for non-empty cells 
                If Not IsEmpty(Sheets(statements(sheet_count, 0)).Cells(row + statements(sheet_count, 1)(0, 1), statements(sheet_count, 1)(0, 0)).Value) Then 
                    'saves date 
                    fecha = Sheets(statements(sheet_count, 0)).Cells(row + statements(sheet_count, 1)(0, 1), statements(sheet_count, 1)(0, 0)).Value 
                    'for visa transactions, adds year to date 
                    If (statements(sheet_count, 0) = "Card 6738") Or (statements(sheet_count, 0) = "Card 5480") Then 
                        fecha = fecha + "/22" 
                    End If 
                    'saves vendor 
                    vendor = Sheets(statements(sheet_count, 0)).Cells(row + statements(sheet_count, 1)(1, 1), statements(sheet_count, 1)(1, 0)).Value 
                    If statements(sheet_count, 0) = "Bank Statement" Then 
                        office = Right(vendor, 8) 
                        vendor = Replace(vendor, Left(vendor, 6), "") 
                        vendor = Replace(vendor, Right(vendor, 11), "") 
                    ElseIf (statements(sheet_count, 0) = "Card 6738") Or (statements(sheet_count, 0) = "Card 5480") Then 
                        vendor = Split(vendor, " - ")(0) 
                        vendor = Replace(vendor, Left(vendor, 11), "") 
                    End If 
                    'saves amount 
                    amount = Sheets(statements(sheet_count, 0)).Cells(row + statements(sheet_count, 1)(2, 1), statements(sheet_count, 1)(2, 0)).Value 
                    'inputs date, vendor, andamount into 'Transaction Report' 
                    Sheets("Transaction Report").Cells(trans, 1) = fecha 
                    Sheets("Transaction Report").Cells(trans, 2) = amount 
                    Sheets("Transaction Report").Cells(trans, 3) = vendor 
                    'for card transactions, adds office to 'Transaction Report' 
                    If sheet_count > 0 Then 
                        Sheets("Transaction Report").Cells(trans, 6) = offices(sheet_count - 1) 
                        'Inputs office for revenue transactions 
                        If office = "83675291" Then 
                            Sheets("Transaction Report").Cells(trans, 6) = offices(0) 
                        ElseIf office = "40928764" Then 
                            Sheets("Transaction Report").Cells(trans, 6) = offices(1) 
                        ElseIf office = "57263148" Then 
                            Sheets("Transaction Report").Cells(trans, 6) = offices(2) 
                            Sheets("Transaction Report").Cells(trans, 6) = offices(3) 
                        End If 
                    End If 
                    trans = trans + 1 
                End If 
    End Sub 

Solution Video: Challenge 113|EXCEL&VBA – The Data Dentist