133|ALTERYX – Audit Intern Atrocities

BYU Student Author: @Brett_Lowe, @Jacob_Dutton
Reviewers: @Nate, @Hyrum, @Andrew
Estimated Time to Solve: 15 Minutes

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Your firm is about to publish an audit opinion for your client, Nebula Nexus, but you just learned that your intern forgot to check for unrecorded liabilities. If a problem exists, it’s likely material. The partner is giving you 15 minutes to find any issues (if there be any), and she threatened to take away your bonus if you miss one—material or not. Fortunately, you have enough data to perform the search, but you’re a tad rusty with this portion of the audit. The audit opinion is for the year ended 12/31/2022.


  1. Download the data
  2. Import all 3 sheets from the data file into Alteryx.
  3. You’ll need to confirm that the payments made in January were included as liabilities on the balance sheet at year-end. Use a join tool to compare the Cash Disbursements and Vendor Invoice Detail sheets. Continue with the audit for any cash disbursement where a reference number from the invoice detail sheet was not found.
  4. For each payment not found in the year-end report, further investigation is needed. Join these records with the Receiving Report sheet.
  5. Filter your results to only display results that were received before the year end.

Data Files

Suggestions and Hints
  1. Make sure that you are using the correct output side of the join tool when you are joining two tables.


Challenge 133 Solution.yxmd (14.4 KB)
Answer: Spectral Sourcing Solutions, LLC for $125, received on December 17th, 2022.

Alteryx Challenge 133 Techhub.yxmd (12.4 KB)

Challenge 131 Solution.yxmd (13.1 KB)