121|ALTERYX – Data Flow Development

BYU Student Author: @TylerBooth
Reviewers: @IWillyerd, @Boston, @Alex_Garrett
Estimated Time to Solve: 30 Minutes

We provide the solution to this challenge using:

  • Alteryx

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This challenge is a continuation of Challenge 117|VBA – Automated Allocation. It is recommended, though not necessary, that you explore that challenge before completing this one.

Exciting news! The property management company that you work for has grown considerably over the past few years. The company has finally decided to make the investment into more advanced data analytics tools. Your supervisor remembered that you had high praise for a technology called “Alteryx” and has acquired a few licenses for the company. Your supervisor decided to build a data flow that will divide a file of credit card transactions by each state. However, your supervisor, who is unfamiliar with Alteryx, was having trouble building the data flow. He has sent you the file for the data flow he started and would like to fix any errors that he created and finish the project.

When completed, the data flow should do the following:

  1. Fix any errors that your supervisors work flow contained.
  2. Output a donut chart showing the percentage of total spend per allocation. For example, if the total spend was 1,000 and spend in California was 100, then California’s slice of the donut chart would be 10%. Apply some formatting to make the chart look great! For more information about allocations, see the “Suggestions and Hints” sections of this challenge.
  3. Filter out each allocation into a separate data table.
  4. Identify which employee had the largest transaction at each vendor for each allocation. For example, in California, employee ## spent #,### at XYZ Corporation.

Data Files

Suggestions and Hints
  • Each property is located in a state. The state is the allocation. Transactions for “Corporate Office 1,” “Corporate Office 2,” and NULL values will be allocated to the Corporate entity rather than a state.
  • Consider using the “Interactive Chart” tool to build the Donut Chart.

Donut Chart example:
